Does the DOE pay the CDPHE regarding Rocky Flats?

The recent Rocky Flats Stewardship Council meeting included a presentation by Carl Spreng and Lindsay Masters from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. They titled their presentation, "Myths and Misunderstandings." One such "myth" they addressed is in fact true, the DOE does pay their salaries. According to Lindsay Masters, this is common practice in many states. Conflict of interest, you say? How can this be? At the time of the plant closure, the State of Colorado felt the state health department would be stretched thin trying to cover the health concerns regarding Rocky Flats, and this agreement was made. Interestingly, the same agreement stands with the EPA; the DOE pays the salary of Vera Moritz of the EPA.

This conflict of interest is not allowed in the State of Washington, where the health department is holding the DOE accountable for human health regarding Hanford.

I am deeply disappointed in my state's attitude regarding the health risks from the contaminants at Rocky Flats.